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Share your experience with us

Full Name *

1. What is the strength of the workforce in your company (number of employees / workers)? *

2. How many women in your workforce? *

3. How many suppliers do you work with? *

4. Approximately, what is the total workforce (number of workers) in your supply chains? *

5. What part of the training do you think can be improved? *

6. What part of the training do you like? *

7. How likely is your company to create a new or revised human rights statement in the next quarter ? *

8. How likely is your company to create or reinforce a due diligence system in the next quarter? *

9. Would you be interested in future training related to sustainability offered by IGCC and amfori? *

10. Would you like to get in touch with other participants in the training and share your email address? *

11. Any other feedback you would like to share?